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Skärmavbild 2022-02-21 kl. 08.59.33

Please tell us a little bit about your current situation and vision, and a representative will reach out ASAP

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Fredrik Elnéus


By 2025, European websites should note June 28, 2025, for EAA (accessibility) and NIS2 requirements around the end of 2024. Don't forget GDPR, DSA, and the upcoming AI Act/ePrivacy Regulation. Read more


Robert Edvardsson


Why you should build your website with Headless CMS: 💫 a) Faster, Safer, and more Flexible. b) Technically independent c) Maintenance-free and scalable without 3rd-party plugins. Read more here

Skärmavbild 2022-02-21 kl. 08.59.33



With AI, you can keep multiple language versions 🇸🇪🇺🇸🇩🇪 of your website updated almost instantly - with the press of a button! Why not sell more broadly in 2025? Only for Easyweb sites: Click and we'll tell you more




Tip, click on the circle above to test night mode! If you do not actively choose, night mode syncs with your system settings ☀️🌒 Why don't all modern sites have night mode? 🤔

Skärmavbild 2021-12-09 kl. 22.03.03

Erika Bonér


Win 2025! If you're planning a new website to create a better/clearer identity or get more leads/inquiries, start by downloading "Pre-study website checklist". Good luck - and let's keep your competitors guessing! 😄

Page Speed Optimization

Everyone loves fast websites, from your visitors to Google. The algorithm is designed to prioritize user experience, which means that engagement, time spent on the site, and speed and performance are becoming increasingly important. Our growth team knows which metrics are most important while our tech team is well-versed in modern high-performance web technology and optimized code.

Checklist for Creating a Well-Optimized Website, App, or Shop:

  • Use modern technology and hosting (hint - DO NOT use Wordpress)
  • If you must use Wordpress, limit the use of plugins as much as you can (but we recommend the Swedish challenger
  • Use custom front-end code based on recommendations from, among others, Google. (DO NOT use generated code from site builders like webflow, elementor, or ready-made templates - as these are often a "jack of all trades" rather than optimized for your specific design, structure, and content.)
  • Quality-assure the site and code according to the standards of to ensure accessibility for as many visitors as possible.
  • And perhaps the most fun point: create a site that is engaging, interesting, and slightly different - while keeping the visitor's expected needs in mind. The more engaging the site, the more time your visitors will spend on your website, which leads to higher rankings on Google + more (likely) conversions.

Of course, different types of sites have different capabilities for performance optimization - but you should always strive to do your best given the prevailing circumstances and conditions. If you have a lot of moving or high-resolution media, connections/downloads from third-party systems - or in any other way a "demanding" site, try to create smart solutions for loading media on the fly rather than before the page is displayed, create cache/backup solutions for externally fetched data, or work with pagination/ajax-like loading.

Note, however, that this can have other implications for SEO - (if you do not load optimized content directly that Google SHOULD have access to) - so it is important that SEO and technology work together to create the most optimized, engaging, and high-converting website possible.

And don't forget to regularly test your site:

Good luck 🚀

Robert Edvardsson


Fredrik Elneus


Do you have a poorly optimized website?
Skärmavbild 2021-12-09 kl. 22.03.03
Skärmavbild 2021-12-09 kl. 22.15.03
Skärmavbild 2021-12-09 kl. 22.03.42

Contact us - and we'll see what we can do for you


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