Why you should build your website with Headless CMS: 💫 a) Faster, Safer, and more Flexible. b) Technically independent c) Maintenance-free and scalable without 3rd-party plugins. Read more here
We have matched the company's brand and values with a website that provides users with a smooth and engaging experience. A headless solution provides the fastest possible loading and an optimal experience - even on mobile. Easyweb allows the customer to create more flexible pages and manage the website without any technical barriers. Thanks to its scalability, GEDB can grow with its future needs.
Welcome to the future of web development - where design meets functionality in the most efficient way.
Robert Edvardsson
Fredrik Elneus
Byråchef, fredrik@sphinxly.se
Agneta Sundin , Kommunikatör
Sphinxly är snabba, flexibla och lätta att kommunicera med. Alltid snabb service när det behövs. Vi fick en snygg sida och den är enkel att uppdatera.